

发音:   用"建筑计划"造句
  • construction plan
  • constructional project


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. A plan of the new housing estate may be seen at the offices of the town council .
  2. List of consultants for engineering and building projects
  3. Building planning and building planning education
  4. The city council approved the building plan
  5. The committee permitted us to go ahead with our building plan


        建筑:    build; construct; erect
        计划:    plan; project; programme; de ...
        坏化建筑计划:    mechanized construction programme
        综合建筑计划:    packaged building program
        机械化建筑计划:    mechanized construction programme
        建筑计书:    architectural plan
        工程及建筑计划的顾问名册:    list of consultants for engineering and building projects
        混凝土浇筑计划:    concreting program
        建筑施工计划:    building planning
        建筑交通维持计划:    traffic control & management during construction; traffic control &management during construction
        建筑垃圾处理计划:    construction waste treatment plan
        建筑物能源效益注册计划:    energy efficiency registration scheme for buildings
        建筑:    1.(建造) build; construct; erect 建筑高楼 erect a tall building; 建筑桥梁 construct a bridge; 建筑铁路 build a railway2.(建筑物) building; structure; edifice 古老的建筑 an ancient building; 宏伟的建筑 a magnificent structure; 拆除违章建筑 level illegal buildings to the ground; 钢筋混凝土建筑 reinforced concrete buildings; 侵略者们将那幢历史上有名的建筑洗劫一空。 the invaders gutted the historic building.; 建筑板材 [建筑] building board; 建筑标准化 building standardization; 建筑部件 building component; 建筑材料 building material; construction material; constructional material; fabric; stuff; tingnum; 建筑材料工业 building material industry; 建筑采光 architectural lighting; 建筑草图 architectural sketch; 建筑层数 building storey; 建筑场地尺寸 site dimensions; 建筑等级 class of construction; 建筑法规 building law; building code; 建筑风格 architectural style; 建筑钢 building iron; 建筑钢板 building sheet; 建筑工程 constructional engineering; 建筑工程学 architectural engineering; 建筑工程学院 institute of civil engineering; 建筑工程一切保险 all construction risks insurance; 建筑工地 building site; construction site; 建筑工地选择 siting; 建筑工具 building implement; 建筑工人 hardhat builder; building worker; builder; 建筑工业化 building industrialization; 建筑功能 building function; 建筑构件 slab; 建筑构图 architectural composition; 建筑构造 building construction; 建筑管理规规则 architectural control; 建筑规范 construction standards; 建筑基地 building lot; 建筑机械 building machinery; 建筑结构 building structure; 建筑结构面积 area of structure; 建筑空间 space; 建筑理论 theory of architecture; 建筑力学 architectural mechanics; 建筑密度 building density; 建筑面积 floorage; 建筑企业 building enterprise; 建筑群 insula; architectural complex; 建筑设计 pattern; architectural design; 建筑设计总方案 parti; 建筑师 architect; 建筑施工图 architectural working drawing; 建筑式样 architectural style; 建筑税 construction tax; building houses tax;建筑水泥 building cement; 建筑条例 building code; 建筑图 architectural drawing; construction plan; 建筑许可证 construction permit; 建筑业 building trade; 建筑艺术 art of architecture; 建筑用具 building appliance; 建筑造价 construction costs; 建筑照明 architectural lighting; 建筑安装企业 construction and erection enterprises; 建筑总面积 gross floors area; 建筑总体 architectural complex; 建筑组群 cluster
        对建造新的剧院的建筑师的计划:    the architect's plans for the new theatre
        在计划内的建筑群的消防安全标准:    standard for fire protection in planned building groups
        a计划:    proiect a; project a
        计划:    1.(工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan; project; programme; device; devisal; design 宏伟的计划 a magnificent project; 五年计划 a five-year programme; 有计划地进行 proceed in a planned way; 制定计划 make a plan; draw up a plan; work out a plan; 指导性计划 guidance plan; 指令性计划 mandatory plan; 切实可行的计划 feasible [workable] plan; 有计划的商品经济 planned commodity economy; 反通货膨胀计划 anti-inflation programme; 紧急救助计划 the emergency aid programme; 五年“扫盲计划” the five-year“anti-illiteracy programme”; 修建新铁路的计划 the projection of a new railway2.(做计划) map out; plan; plot; design 会议原计划于三月开幕。 the conference was originally planned to open in march. 计划好了再动手干。 map it out before you start. 我们计划周末去纽约。 we plan to go to new york at the weekend.; 计划成本 planned costs; 计划经济 planned economy; 计划生产 planned production; 计划市场 planned market; 计划体制 planning system; 计划员 planner; schemer; 计划指标 plan targets
        陈旧(建筑),过时(建筑):    obsolescence
        建筑,建筑学:    architecture
        建筑;建筑物:    bldg
        建筑术,建筑学:    architecture
        建筑物,大楼;建筑:    building
        建筑物建筑:    building
        建筑学,建筑业:    architecture
        计划;计划摘要:    scheme



  1. "建筑技术科学"英文
  2. "建筑技术学"英文
  3. "建筑技术学会"英文
  4. "建筑技术与技术管理"英文
  5. "建筑技术者"英文
  6. "建筑计书"英文
  7. "建筑纪念碑"英文
  8. "建筑家"英文
  9. "建筑价格指数"英文
  10. "建筑间距"英文


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