建筑: build; construct; erect码头: wharf; dock; hoverport; pier ...码头建筑: wharf structure码头建筑物: water front structure; waterfront structure建筑海军码头: build university /v码头防浪堤建筑: pier breakwater building头码头与港口建筑: pier head & the three graces码头: 1.(停船的地方) wharf; dock; hoverport; pier; shipside; jetty; quay 储油码头 oil wharf; petrol wharf; 浮码头 pierhead pontoon; 那艘船停靠在码头边。 the ship lies alongside the wharf.; the steamer lies at the pier.2.[方言] (商业城市) port city; commercial and transportation centre 跑码头 travel from port to port as a trader; be a travelling merchant; 码头搬运工 dockwalloper; 码头泊位 quay berth; 码头到户 [门] pier-to-door; 码头调车机车 dockside switcher; 码头费 wharfage; dock charge; dockdues and charges (包括税捐及停泊费等); jettage dockage; 码头工人 dockman; dock hand; stevedore; longshoreman; 码头管理站 administration office; 码头集装箱起重机 portainer; 码头交货 ex dock;ex pier; ex quay; ex wharf; at the dock; at wharf; 码头交货价 ex pier; ex quay; ex dock; free on quay; 码头交货条件 ex quay terms; 码头捐[税] dock dues; wharfage; pierage; pier dues; quayage; 码头雷达 jetty mounted radar; 码头起重机 quay crane; 码头区[沿岸] quayside; 码头设备 pier facilities; terminal facilities; 码头收据 dock receipt; 码头司号工 railman; 码头外端 pierhead; 码头栈单 dock warrant; 码头重量记录单 dock weight note; 码头主任[人] wharfinger; 码头装卸工 longshoreman; 码头装载 block stowage 建筑: 1.(建造) build; construct; erect 建筑高楼 erect a tall building; 建筑桥梁 construct a bridge; 建筑铁路 build a railway2.(建筑物) building; structure; edifice 古老的建筑 an ancient building; 宏伟的建筑 a magnificent structure; 拆除违章建筑 level illegal buildings to the ground; 钢筋混凝土建筑 reinforced concrete buildings; 侵略者们将那幢历史上有名的建筑洗劫一空。 the invaders gutted the historic building.; 建筑板材 [建筑] building board; 建筑标准化 building standardization; 建筑部件 building component; 建筑材料 building material; construction material; constructional material; fabric; stuff; tingnum; 建筑材料工业 building material industry; 建筑采光 architectural lighting; 建筑草图 architectural sketch; 建筑层数 building storey; 建筑场地尺寸 site dimensions; 建筑等级 class of construction; 建筑法规 building law; building code; 建筑风格 architectural style; 建筑钢 building iron; 建筑钢板 building sheet; 建筑工程 constructional engineering; 建筑工程学 architectural engineering; 建筑工程学院 institute of civil engineering; 建筑工程一切保险 all construction risks insurance; 建筑工地 building site; construction site; 建筑工地选择 siting; 建筑工具 building implement; 建筑工人 hardhat builder; building worker; builder; 建筑工业化 building industrialization; 建筑功能 building function; 建筑构件 slab; 建筑构图 architectural composition; 建筑构造 building construction; 建筑管理规规则 architectural control; 建筑规范 construction standards; 建筑基地 building lot; 建筑机械 building machinery; 建筑结构 building structure; 建筑结构面积 area of structure; 建筑空间 space; 建筑理论 theory of architecture; 建筑力学 architectural mechanics; 建筑密度 building density; 建筑面积 floorage; 建筑企业 building enterprise; 建筑群 insula; architectural complex; 建筑设计 pattern; architectural design; 建筑设计总方案 parti; 建筑师 architect; 建筑施工图 architectural working drawing; 建筑式样 architectural style; 建筑税 construction tax; building houses tax;建筑水泥 building cement; 建筑条例 building code; 建筑图 architectural drawing; construction plan; 建筑许可证 construction permit; 建筑业 building trade; 建筑艺术 art of architecture; 建筑用具 building appliance; 建筑造价 construction costs; 建筑照明 architectural lighting; 建筑安装企业 construction and erection enterprises; 建筑总面积 gross floors area; 建筑总体 architectural complex; 建筑组群 cluster 货运码头;码头: wharf码头到码头: ppier-to-pier; quay-to-quay码头捐,码头费: dock dues码头码头: banchina码头码头费: dock dues and charges; pierage; wharf dues码头至码头: wharftowharft型码头: t shaped pier; t-shaped pier船码头: boat landing船坞,码头: dock浮码头: floating pier; floating dock; float; floating berth货码头: cargo pier; staith建码头: wharf靠码头: docking 靠码头卸货 discharging at wharf; 靠码头缆 checkline离码头: leaving wharf; slipping from alongside; unberthing; undocking; unmoor码头(总称): wharfage码头边: dock side