建立: build; set up; establish; bu ...系统: system的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...计划: plan; project; programme; de ...与: take part in; participate in结构图: structure drawing; construct ...表: outside; surface; external结构化模型建立系统: structural modeling system画面建立系统: picture building system上的站点的系统: www(unix)系统结构图: system construction drawing编译程序建立系统: compiler building system不错的站点: myptc更多的站点: more sites我的站点: my sites分立系统的辨识与估量: detection/estimation in distributed system建立系统文件列表清单: amp; clspack used to create a file listing of system packages; clspack.exe >结构图: block diagram; block scheme; co truction drawing; constitutional diagram; construction drawing; construction plan; constructional detail; constructional drawing; structural drawing; structural plan; structure block; structure chart; structure drawing; trellis diagram建立新站点: new site有系统的布置计划: systematic layout planning工程计划与分析系统: engineering planning and analysis systems建立任务分解结构图以便规划项目: plan a project by constructing a work breakdown structure同步系统的结构: syncronous system structure建立目前系统的启动盘: mkbootdisk生产系统的建立与实施: jit