建立: build; set up; establish; bu ...和: mix; blend南部: southern part; south非洲: Africa国家: country; state; nation特惠: indulgence; preference; odds ...贸易区: trade zone条约: convention; treaty; pact东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区: preferential trade area for eastern and southern africa; pta东部和南部非洲共同市场: comesa东部和南部非洲区域: eastern and southern africa region东部和南部非洲商业组织: eastern and southern africa business organization东部和南部非洲儿童问题记者协会: eastern and southern africa journalists for the child东部和南部非洲钢材发展委员会: eastern and southern african steel development committee东部和南部非洲管理研究所: eastern and southern africa management institute东部和南部非洲矿物资源开发中心: eastern and southern african mineral resources development centre东部和南部非洲粮食销售机构协会: association of food marketing agencies in eastern and southern africa东部和南部非洲区域办事处: eastern and southern africa regional office东部和南部非洲区域咨询理事会: eastern and southern africa regional advisory council东部中部和南部非洲伊斯兰会议: islamic conference for eastern central and southern africa东部和南部: eastern and southern africa management institute东部和南部非洲艾滋病与教育区域讨论会: regional seminar on aids and education in eastern and southern africa东非和南部非洲国家票据交换所: clearing house of eastern and southern african states国际中部和南部非洲赤蝗防治组织: international red locust control organization for central and southern africa东非和南部非洲处: division for east africa and southern africa
建立东部和南部非洲国家特惠贸易区条约的法语:traité instaurant une zone d’échanges préférentiels des pays de l’afrique orientale et de l’afrique australe建立东部和南部非洲国家特惠贸易区条约的阿拉伯语:معاهدة إنشاء منطقة التجارة التفضيلية لشرق أفريقيا والجنوب الأفريقي;