

  • waste chemistry section


        废料:    waste; wastage; rubbish; gar ...
        化验:    chemical examination; labora ...
        :    group
        空气化验组:    air chemistry section
        食物化验组:    food science section
        水质化验组:    water chemistry section
        药剂化验组:    pharmaceutical chemistry section
        燃料化验器:    fuel tester
        涂料化验室:    colour testing lab
        烟草及其它商品化验组:    smoking products and other commodities section
        商品测试及应课税品化验组:    product testing & dutiable commodities section; product testing &dutiable commodities section
        化验:    chemical examination; laboratory test; assay; analysis; test 血常规化验 ordinary blood test; 化验报告 analysis report; 化验杯 test glass; 化验单 laboratory test report; 化验室 control laboratory; laboratory; 化验员 laboratorian; analyst; laboratory technician [assistant]; 化验者 assayer; 化验证明书 analysis certificate; certificate of analysis
        废料:    waste; wastage; rubbish; garbage; waste material; rough; abatement; trash; rubble; mullock; scrap 工厂的废料 the waste from a factory; 把地上的废料耙在一起。 rake up the trash on the ground
        检验组:    testing set
        实验组:    e group; experimental group, eg; experimental group, eg
        试验组:    experimental group; test team; treatment group
        校验组:    test set
        标准试验组:    standard set of tests
        成绩测验组:    achievement battery
        实验组件:    experiment package
        训练实验组:    training experimental group
        化验磅:    assay pound
        化验杯:    test glass
        化验单:    laboratory sheet
        化验吨:    at


  1. "废料焚化器"英文
  2. "废料焚化器供焚化放射性废料用"英文
  3. "废料焚火炉"英文
  4. "废料给拾取钳"英文
  5. "废料工厂"英文
  6. "废料回收"英文
  7. "废料回收利用"英文
  8. "废料加工"英文
  9. "废料加工设备"英文
  10. "废料价格, 残余价格"英文


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