庞: huge innumerable and disorde ...蒂: the base of a flower or frui ...普: general; universal里: in; inside德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...观察家: observer信德观察家报: sind observer东格林斯特德观察家: east grinstead observer蒂普里: typri观察家: al marsad; al rakeb; al rased; deedawar; el observador; figyelo; l observateur; marsad al; o ervers; o paratiritis; observador el; observateur l; obzornik; rakeb al; rakib; rased al; spectator; the observer蒂普里策: tipurita巴肯观察家: buchan observer财经观察家: observador economico & financiero柴郡观察家: cheshire observer非洲观察家: l' observateur africain; observateur africain l'; observateur africain, l'观察家报: al rakeb; al raqib; examiner; l observateur; observateur l; pamandangan; rakeb al; raqib al; the observer观察家报(英): observer观察家画报: kepes figyelo观察家评论: observer review观察家日报: daily observer the; daily observer, the观察家杂志: the spectator国际观察家: lo spettatore internazionale; spettatore internazionale lo; spettatore internazionale, lo国民观察家: national observer经济观察家: economic observer酒观察家: wine spectator