应时: seasonable; in season的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...书籍: books; works; literature应时的: in season; seasonable冈瑟尔的书籍: gunther's books有护封的书籍: paper-wrapped book珍藏本的书籍: rare books布满灰尘的书籍: a dusty tome含磨木浆的书籍纸: groundwood book paper; groundwoodbookpaper石版印刷的书籍: lithoprint有蓬线棱的书籍: back with raised bands装订精美的书籍: books in superb bindings广泛阅读各种各样的书籍: read widely and miscellaneously适于儿童阅读的书籍: books suitable for children图书馆对新添的书籍: accession number有关地理方面的书籍: books about geography阅读有关历史的书籍: read a book/books about history应时: 1.(适合时令的) seasonable; in season 应时货品 seasonable goods; 应时水果 fruits of the season2.(立刻) at once; immediately 应时而动 act according to circumstance; 应时自鸣 struck at the proper time书籍: books; works; literature 非小说类书籍 nonfiction books布面或皮面精装的书籍那么经久耐用: they are much cheaper我们应阅读真正有价值的书籍: we should read books of real worth印刷良好的书籍有明显而清楚的印痕: the well printed book has a sharp clean impression中世纪的书籍,通常有彩色插图: illuminated我们在图书馆查阅了很多有关这个题目的书籍: we've consulted a number of books about the subject in the library星期五之前所有借阅的书籍必须归还图书馆: all books are to be returned to the library before friday