

发音:   用"应急部队"造句


  1. The service s primary duty is to augment the regular front - line emergency forces in the event of natural disasters and other emergencies


        应急:    meet an urgent need; meet an ...
        部队:    army; armed forces troops; u ...
        快速应急部队:    short-notice contingency forces
        灾变应急部队:    hazmat
        紧急部队:    unef
        应急部署:    emergency arrangement
        应急部署表:    stations bill
        国际紧急部队:    international emergency forces
        联合国紧急部队:    sekretariat n.der vereinten nationen; unef; united nations emergency force
        应急部署表须更新:    the station bills need to be updated
        应急部位仪表板:    emergency local gauge board
        联合国国际紧急部队:    emergency international united nations force
        应急待命部队:    on call force
        紧急部:    emergency portion
        特殊急部:    special assault team
        部队:    1.(军队的通称) army; armed forces2.(军队的一部分) troops; unit; force 边防部队 frontier forces; 步兵部队 infantry; 测绘部队 topographic troops; 导弹部队 missile unit; 地方部队 local forces; 地面部队 ground forces; 防空部队 air defense unit; anti-aircraft unit; 高射炮部队 anti-aircraft artillery unit; 工兵部队 engineer troops; sappers; 后备部队 reserve unit; 后勤部队 service troops; logistics unit; 化学兵部队 chemical troops; 火箭部队 rocket unit; 机械化部队 mechanized forces; mechanized unit; 空降部队 airborne troops; 雷达部队 radar troops; 骑兵部队 cavalry; 汽车运输部队 motor transport troops; 伞兵部队 parachute troops; 水陆两栖部队 amphibious troops; 坦克部队 tank unit; 特种部队 special troops; 通讯兵部队 signal troops; 作战部队 combat unit; 人民解放军北京部队 pla the beijing command; 部队就要出发了。 the troops are about to set out. 这是一支野战部队。 this is a field army unit.; 部队编制 establishment; 部队代号 code designation; 部队番号 code designation
        应急:    meet an urgent need; meet an emergency; meet an contingency; emergency; escape; crash 应急之用 meet the need of emergency; 在应急情况下 in case of emergency; 供应急使用 for emergency use; 我们应该对任何应急情况有所准备。 we should be prepared for any contingency. 他已作好了应急的一切准备。 he has made every arrangement to meet any emergency.; 应急按钮 emergency button; intervention button; 应急舱门 emergency hatch; 应急出口 escape hatch; emergency exit; 应急措施 emergency measure; 应急电源 emergency supply; emergency electric power source; 应急计划 crash project; crash program; contingency plan; crash programme; 应急设备 emergency set [equipment]
        警戒和紧急部署表:    watch and quarter bill
        516部队:    unit 516
        731部队:    unit 731
        部队锅:    budae jjigae
        部队局:    rwm
        部队网:    forcenet
        大部队:    battalion
        核部队:    nuclear forces



  1. "应急避碰信号灯"英文
  2. "应急标志"英文
  3. "应急标准"英文
  4. "应急补胎"英文
  5. "应急补助"英文
  6. "应急部署"英文
  7. "应急部署表"英文
  8. "应急部署表须更新"英文
  9. "应急部位仪表板"英文
  10. "应急财务计划"英文


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