应付: meet; deal with; cope with; ...代: take the place of; be in pla ...收: put away; take in保险: insure; guarantee; insurance应付代收款: collections for others应收代收保险费: custodial premiums receivable (memo account)代收保险费或赔款佣金: collecting commission {= cc; c.c应付代管资产: payables on assets under custody实收保险: paid-up insurance实收保险费: earned premium; premium earned未收保险费: uncollected premium已收保险费: premium received增收保险费: additional call应付代扣所得税: income tax withholding payable应付代售印花税票: revenue stamps receipts under custody未收保险费, 未收溢价: uncollected premium代收: collecting bank; collection of bills; inward collection应付保险给付: life insurance proceeds payable应付保险赔款: indemnity payments payable已到期保险金 满期保费 实收保险费: earnedpremium应付集体保险扣款: group insurance deduction payable应付: 应付payable 他做了事, 应付给他钱。 money is due him for his work. 你买的小汽车还应付多少钱? how much is still due on your car?代收费: collection charges; colliction commission代收件: drop box program代收款: agency receipt; collection for others; receipts under custody