广告: advertisement; advert; ad; p ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...结构: structure; composition; cons ...广告的: advertised; advertizing不登广告的: adless非广告的: nonadvertising广告的媒介: advertisingmedium广告的限制: limitations on advertising广告的种类: ways of advertising广告的作用: the function of advertisements贴广告的: billsticker无广告的: adless做广告的人: advertiser对广告的研究: research on advertising轻信广告的人: credulous people who believe what the advertisements say广告英语中前置修饰语的结构分析: anllysis of the sturctures of the prepositional adjectives in adventisement english标准的结构: framework of standard场的结构: field structure秤的结构: construction of an instrument单薄的结构: frail construction分散的结构: dissipative structure复杂的结构: complex structures锅炉的结构: configure of oilfired boiler andd过渡的结构: transitional structure焊接的结构: welded structure