幻影: phantom; ghost; rainbow; unr ...能量: energy; amount of energy理论: theory畸变能量理论: distortion energy theory临界物态能量理论: critical state energy theory最大剪应变能量理论: critical shear strain energy theory不变量理论: invariant theory定量理论: quantitative theory动量理论: momentum theory计量理论: measurement theory扭量理论: twistor theory全量理论: total strain theory数量理论: quantity theory增量理论: incremental theory贝兹动量理论: betz momentum theory标量张量理论: scalar-tensor theory货币数量理论: quantity theory of money计量理论,计量论: measurement theory经济批量理论: theory of economic lot sizes塑性全量理论: total theory of plasticity塑性增量理论: incremental theory of plasticity网络流量理论: network flow theory傅汝德动量理论: froude momentum theory货币数量理论指: gdp/money supply谈弹塑性增量理论: incremental elastoplastic theory