Research and practice of parallel retrieval balanced auto - adapted mechanism in search engine 搜索引擎中并行检索均衡自适应机制的研究与实践
Gridserver s apis group basic computing models into classes for " tasks " fundamental work unit , " jobs " group of work units performed in parallel , and " datasets " data repositories spread across a cluster for parallel searching and querying as well as supporting classes used for task filtering , administration , and so on Gridserver的api将基本的计算模型按照“工作” (基本工作单元) 、 “任务” (并行执行的一组工作单元)和“数据集” (遍布整个集群的数据存储,用于并行检索和查询)划分成类,同时还提供支持工作过滤、管理等的类。