年龄: age的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...过渡: transition; transit年龄的: aetatis; coeval; cotemporary达到年龄的: attainment of age年龄的科学: the science of age年龄的老: old older oldest年龄的效应: agedependent effect同年龄的: contemporary同年龄的人: age-grade依赖年龄的: age-dependent应征年龄的: draftage到结婚年龄的: old enough to marry可测定年龄的: datable; dateable按年龄的相对身高: height-for-age达到结婚年龄的: old enough to marry suitable for marriage分年龄的出生率: age-specific birth rate分年龄的生育率: age-specific fertility rate分年龄的死亡率: agespecific death rate; age-specific mortality年龄的不同而不同: vary with ages适合年龄的活动: ageappropriate activities随着年龄的增长: from age同年龄的,同时代的: coeval同时代的,同年龄的: coetaneous未达法定年龄的: under age