年: year发动: start; launch; engine on; ge ...普法: popularize law战争: war; warfare年发动普丹战争: the danish war普法战争: franco-prussian war年趁普法战争: franco-prussian war年发动墨西哥战争: american-mexico war德法战争: battle of france; franco-prussian war俄法战争: napoleon's invasion of russia护法战争: the constitutional protection movement清法战争: sino-french war泰法战争: french-thai war中法战争: sino-french war魔动王 最后魔法战争: granzort the last magical war发动战争: let loose bloodog hounds of war; let loose the bloodhounds of war; let loose the dogs of war; wage war; warmaking发动过“北伐战争”: the northern expedition发动一场战争: a war is goin' on but the reason's undercover醉汉发动战争: 99.a drunk wages war普法: popularize law 普法教育 popularizing-law education高年发: nian-fa gao自动普通车床: automatic engine lathe对某事发动一场战争: wage a war on sth魔法战队magiranger: mahou sentai magiranger魔法战士: warriors of might and magic