

  • flat sowing
  • 平面:    plane; two dimensions; flat ...
  • 播种:    sowing; seeding
  • 地面播种的:    surface sown
  • 鱼鳞坑田面播种机:    basin planter
  • 播种:    (作物栽培措施之一) sowing; seeding◇播种季节 seedtime; season of sowing; 播种量 seeding rate; 播种密度 density of crop; thickness of sowing; 播种面积 area under crops; sown area; seeded area; 播种深度 depth of seeding; 播种术 seedage; 播种者 sower; disseminator


        平面:    plane; two dimensions; flat ...
        播种:    sowing; seeding
        地面播种的:    surface sown
        鱼鳞坑田面播种机:    basin planter
        播种:    (作物栽培措施之一) sowing; seeding◇播种季节 seedtime; season of sowing; 播种量 seeding rate; 播种密度 density of crop; thickness of sowing; 播种面积 area under crops; sown area; seeded area; 播种深度 depth of seeding; 播种术 seedage; 播种者 sower; disseminator
        静止画面播送:    static picture transmitting
        播种机播种:    planting with sowing machine
        平面:    plane; two dimensions; flat surface◇平面多边形 plane polygon; 平面几何(学) plane geometry; 平面精研机 surface lapping machine; 平面镜 [物理学] plane mirror; 平面磨床 [工业] surface-grinding machine;flat grinder;平面三角(学) plane trigonometry; 平面图 planimetric map; plan; plane figure; [数学] planar graph
        播种耙:    covering harrow; seed harrow; seeding rake; smoothing harrow
        播种报:    posev
        播种床:    ground seedbed; seed bed; sowing bed
        播种法:    seeding
        播种肥:    starter of fertilizer in seedbed
        播种后:    after planting
        播种机:    seeder; planter; grain drill; sower; broad caster◇播种机开沟器 seed-furrow opener
        播种量:    amount of planting seed; distribution rate; feed quantity; rate of seeding; seed quantity; seeding quantity; sowing norm; sowing rate
        播种列:    planting ridge
        播种率:    seeding rate
        播种苗:    seeding plant
        播种鸟:    d's garagekobo game - tane wo maku tori
        播种盘:    seed tray
        播种期:    sowing time; seeding time◇播种期试验 date test
        播种器:    disseminator; garden seeder; planter
        播种区:    sowing division; sowing plot
        播种式:    put-to-light


  1. "平面边线镶饰"英文
  2. "平面编址"英文
  3. "平面变形"英文
  4. "平面玻璃"英文
  5. "平面玻璃,平板玻璃"英文
  6. "平面波"英文
  7. "平面波玻恩近似"英文
  8. "平面波场"英文
  9. "平面波倒易校准"英文
  10. "平面波导型"英文


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