平静: calm; quiet; tranquil的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...湖: lake史前巨鳄-平静的湖: lake placid平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓: the still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain平静的: becalmed; calmer; calmest; cool; disimpassioned; equable; peacefu l; piping; placido; quiet; soft; stilly; tranquility; tranquillo; u erturbed; undisturbed; unperturbed; waveless静静的湖泊: sleepy lagoon不动的;平静的: still不平静的: squally; stormy; u eaceful; unpeaceful/unquiet; unquiet平静的;稳定的: tranquil平静的海面: a calm sea平静的路: a peaceful path平静的年代: quiet times平静的人: the quiet man平静的山谷: peace in the valley平静的水: easy eater; easy water平静的水面: flat water平静的思想: still mind平静的思绪: tranquil mind平静的太阳: quiet sun平静的夜晚: a tranquil night平静的一生: peaceful life软的平静的: soft不平静的坟墓: no es serio este cementerio; the unquiet grave不平静的旅程: an eventful journey