

发音:   用"平行公"造句
  • parallel postulate


        平行:    of equal rank; on an equal f ...
        :    state-owned; collective; pub ...
        平行公理:    parallel axiom; parallel postulate
        平行公设:    parallel postulate
        欧几里得平行公设:    euclid parallel postulate
        平行:    1.(等级相同, 没有隶属关系的) of equal rank; on an equal footing; parallel2.(同时进行的) simultaneous; parallel 就各种问题举行平行的会谈 hold simultaneous talks on different subjects3.[数学] parallel; 平行管辖权 concurrent jurisdiction; 平行机关 units [organizations] of equal rank; parallel organizations; 平行角 angle of parallelism; 平行力 parallel force; 平行梁 parallel girder; 平行领土管辖权 concurrent territorial jurisdiction; 平行六面体 [数学] parallelepiped; 平行脉 [植物学] parallel veins; 平行权力 concurrent power; 平行四边形 parallelogram; 平行线 parallel; parallel lines; 平行刑事管辖权 concurrent criminal jurisdiction; 平行行为 parallel act; 平行职权 concurrent competence; 平行主权 concurrent sovereignty; 平行作业 parallel operations
        别例行公事:    don’t get mechanical and routine
        秉行公正:    attaining justice do justice; attaining justice; do justice
        不履行公告:    notification of non-compliance
        常规,例行公事:    routine
        发行公告:    tombstone advertisement
        发行公司:    house of issue
        发行公司sony:    michelle hunziker
        发行公司债:    issuance of debentures
        发行公信会:    audit bureau of circulations
        发行公债:    float bonds; floatation of bonds; i ue of government bond; issue of government bonds; issue of loan; issue of public loans
        发行公债券:    bond issue
        航行公告:    notice to mariners
        和顺行公司:    watson trading co., ltd
        厚信行公司:    ho sin hong ltd; ho sin-hong ltd
        环行公路:    circumferential highway
        环行公路赛:    circular road race
        举行公听会:    hold a hearing
        例行公事:    regular course of official duties; (as) a matter of routine; daily routine; mere formality; perform the routine; prescribed course of action; regular procedure; routine business; routine duties
        例行公事地:    routinely


  1. "平行搁置系泊"英文
  2. "平行割缝"英文
  3. "平行隔板式消声器"英文
  4. "平行隔距"英文
  5. "平行工序"英文
  6. "平行公理"英文
  7. "平行公设"英文
  8. "平行共生"英文
  9. "平行沟渠系统"英文
  10. "平行沟通"英文


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