Metal - methids for estimating the average grain size 金属平均晶粒度测定法
Copper and copper alloys - estimation of average grain size 铜及铜合金.平均晶粒度测定方法
Methods for estimating average grain size of wrought copper and copper alloys 锻造铜及铜合金平均晶粒度评估的方法
Comparing with other similar study , the advantage of the added function here is that the redeveloped deform3d can not only predict the average grain size , but also analyse the generation and development of the duplex grain during hot forging 与其它同类研究工作相比,本文所开发的微观组织模拟功能不仅能预测平均晶粒度的变化,还能用于分析热锻过程中混晶缺陷的发生与发展过程。