

发音:   用"平交口"造句
  • grade intersection
  • :    flat; level; even; smooth
  • 交口:    jiaokou
  • 渡槽交口:    flume crossing
  • 交口称誉:    be praised by one and all; be held in public esteem; praise sb. [sth.] unanimously; unanimously praise; vie in singing the praises of sb
  • 街道交口:    street intersection


  1. Comprehensive evaluation of capacity of intersection in city
  2. The system can achieve contour lines and elevations of the pavement board corners with the establishing of face models seriesly or one by one based on dynamic mutual techmology . the application system also has some small drawing and editting tools for the plane intersection design
  3. The design achievements has little effect to guide and discipline the construction . after studying the reasonable division of the labor between person , drawing flatbed and application program , the author developed " the intersection application system " with the using of visual c + + , autocad and objectarx , which is also based on the traditional theory of the vertical intersection design
    作者充分研究了平面交叉口设计中人、图形平台及辅助设计系统的合理分工,并基于传统的立面设计理论和方法,以visualc + +为编程工具, autocad为图形平台,使用objectarx二次开发工具,编制了本平交口辅助设计系统。
  4. The intersection design is very important . but in the vertical design , the designer could n ' t use the form of contour lines to express accurately his design intension . he could only write few elevations of the pavement board corners because of the complexity in design progress and the bother in calculation



  1. "平交道口信号"英文
  2. "平交道口栅门"英文
  3. "平交道拦路木"英文
  4. "平交道拦路栅"英文
  5. "平交轨, 横梁"英文
  6. "平交路缧"英文
  7. "平铰链"英文
  8. "平脚"英文
  9. "平脚, 有半脚缺陷的人, 穿制服的巡警"英文
  10. "平脚裤"英文


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