

发音:   用"干燥地"造句


  1. 5 thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers , as the heat in a dry place ; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud : the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low


        干燥:    dry; arid
        :    the earth
        半干燥地带:    semi-arid zone
        干燥地板:    drying floor
        干燥地形:    arid landforms
        强干燥地:    very dry land
        干燥地带植物:    xerophyte
        干燥地貌旋回:    arid geomorphic cycle
        干燥地带的植物:    xerophyte
        生于热带干燥地的:    xerophilous
        干燥:    1.(没有水分或水分很少) dry; arid 大便干燥 constipated; costive; 沙漠地区气候很干燥。 the climate is very dry in the desert area.2.(枯燥, 没有趣味) dull; uninteresting 干燥无味 dryasdust; dull3.(蒸发去水) drying; seasoning; arefaction 厂内干燥 factory seasoning; 化学干燥 chemical drying; 干燥法 desiccation; 干燥剂 desiccating agent; desiccative; drier; dryer; drying agent; desiccant; exsiccant; 干燥林 dry forest; 干燥炉 drying furnace; [冶金学] drier; batch drier; gloom; 干燥率 [气象学] index of aridity; 干燥木材 desiccated wood; 干燥器 dryer; desiccator; exsiccator; water extractor; 干燥气候 arid climate; dry climate; 干燥室 hothouse; dryhouse; drying room; 干燥试验 drying test; 干燥箱 dry box; [化学] dry oven; drying cabinet; drying chest; drying oven; 干燥装置 drying machine; 干燥作用 desiccation
        干燥床,干燥场:    drying bed
        干燥机;干燥剂:    drier; dryer
        干燥剂;干燥的:    sicdative
        半干燥:    partial desiccation
        保干燥:    desiccator
        鼻干燥:    xeromycteria
        唇干燥:    xerocheilia; xerochilia
        电干燥:    electric seasoning
        干燥,变干:    arescent
        干燥,烘干:    drying
        干燥;脱水:    exsiccate
        干燥本:    dry book
        干燥病:    xerosis
        干燥部:    dry end; dryer part; dryer section; drying nest; drying part; drying section



  1. "干燥的塑料涂层"英文
  2. "干燥的酸乳脂牛酪乳"英文
  3. "干燥的天气使道路干透了"英文
  4. "干燥的血浆凝血因子Ⅱ"英文
  5. "干燥的终点判断"英文
  6. "干燥地板"英文
  7. "干燥地带的植物"英文
  8. "干燥地带植物"英文
  9. "干燥地貌旋回"英文
  10. "干燥地形"英文


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