

发音:   用"常规石油"造句
  • conventional oil
  • 常规:    convention
  • 石油:    petroleum; fossil oil; oil
  • 非常规石油:    non-conventional oil
  • 非常规石油和天然气储量:    non conventional oil and gas reserve
  • 常规:    1.(沿袭下来的规矩) convention; rule; common practice; groove; routine 按照常规办事 follow the old routine; 打破常规 break with convention; break the normal procedure; 这种常规做法在美国很盛行。 the conventional practice flourishes in the united states.2.[医学] routine 尿常规 routine urine test; 血常规 routine blood test; 常规部队 conventional forces; 常规裁军 conventional disarmament; 常规定货 regular order; 常规分析 routine analysis; 常规工作 routine work; 常规极化 normal polarization; 常规武器 conventional weapons; 常规战争 conventional war


        常规:    convention
        石油:    petroleum; fossil oil; oil
        非常规石油:    non-conventional oil
        非常规石油和天然气储量:    non conventional oil and gas reserve
        常规:    1.(沿袭下来的规矩) convention; rule; common practice; groove; routine 按照常规办事 follow the old routine; 打破常规 break with convention; break the normal procedure; 这种常规做法在美国很盛行。 the conventional practice flourishes in the united states.2.[医学] routine 尿常规 routine urine test; 血常规 routine blood test; 常规部队 conventional forces; 常规裁军 conventional disarmament; 常规定货 regular order; 常规分析 routine analysis; 常规工作 routine work; 常规极化 normal polarization; 常规武器 conventional weapons; 常规战争 conventional war
        石油:    [地质学] petroleum; fossil oil; oil; 沥青基石油 asphalt-base petroleum 石蜡基石油 paraffin-base petroleum; 石油产品 petroleum products; 石油储量 oil deposit; 石油代用品 alternatives to oil; 石油地质(学)petroleum geology; 石油工业 oildom; oil industry; petroleum industry; 石油管道 petroleum pipeline; 石油化工 petrochemical industry; 石油化工厂 petrochemical works; 石油化工产品 petrochemicals; 石油加工 petroleum processing; 石油加工产品 refinery products; 石油开采 oil exploitation; 石油勘探 oil exploration; 石油勘探船 petroleum surveying ship; 石油库 oil depot; 石油蜡petroleum wax; 石油炼制 petroleum refining; 石油喷发 blow out; 石油普查 oil finding; 石油燃料 petroleum fuel; 石油输出国组织 organization of petroleum exporting countries; opec; 石油天然气地质 petroleum geology; 石油添加剂 petroleum additive; 石油通货膨胀 oil inflation; 石油危机oil crisis; 石油污染 oil polution; 石油运输 oil transport; 石油政治 petropolitics; 石油脂 petrolatum; 石油质 malthenes; 石油组成 petroleum composition; 石油钻井平台 oil drilling platform
        按常规:    by the book
        半常规:    semiroutine
        常规;通用:    general
        常规船:    conventional ship
        常规的:    conentional; conv conventional; groovy; nomothetic; ordinary; regular; rt (routine); traditional; traditionary
        常规化:    normalization; routinization
        常规井:    conventional well
        常规力:    conventional force
        常规流:    normal flow
        常规锚:    conventional anchor
        常规赛:    regular season; season
        常规尾:    conventional tail
        常规型:    conventional type
        超常规:    hypernormal; transnormal
        成法, 常规:    routine method
        成法,常规:    method routine
        非常规:    unconventionality
        惯例,常规:    convention
        尿常规:    routine urine examination; routine urine test


  1. "常规审计,常年审计"英文
  2. "常规生命, 正常寿命"英文
  3. "常规生命表"英文
  4. "常规施肥"英文
  5. "常规湿式地层燃烧法"英文
  6. "常规实验室"英文
  7. "常规实验室试验"英文
  8. "常规使用文件"英文
  9. "常规视觉处理器"英文
  10. "常规试验"英文


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