

  • frequent nausea
  • 常常:    frequently; often; usually; ...
  • 恶心:    feel like vomiting; sicchasi ...
  • 非常恶心的性行为不解释了就:    blowjob
  • 恶心:    1.(要呕吐) feel like vomiting; sicchasia; nausea; feel nauseated; feel sick 感到恶心 be sick at the stomach; 引起恶心 cause [provoke] nausea; 我感到恶心, 但总算没把吃下去的东西吐出来。 i felt sick but succeeded in keeping the food down.2.(使人厌恶) nauseating; disgusting 令人恶心的情景 a nauseating sight; 一见到他就让人恶心。 his very sight is quite disgusting
  • 常常:    frequently; often; usually; generally 他常常工作到深夜。 he often works far into the night. 她常常讲法语。 she speaks french frequently. 她常常想在死亡中寻求解脱。 she constantly invoked death for her relief and deliverance


        常常:    frequently; often; usually; ...
        恶心:    feel like vomiting; sicchasi ...
        非常恶心的性行为不解释了就:    blowjob
        恶心:    1.(要呕吐) feel like vomiting; sicchasia; nausea; feel nauseated; feel sick 感到恶心 be sick at the stomach; 引起恶心 cause [provoke] nausea; 我感到恶心, 但总算没把吃下去的东西吐出来。 i felt sick but succeeded in keeping the food down.2.(使人厌恶) nauseating; disgusting 令人恶心的情景 a nauseating sight; 一见到他就让人恶心。 his very sight is quite disgusting
        常常:    frequently; often; usually; generally 他常常工作到深夜。 he often works far into the night. 她常常讲法语。 she speaks french frequently. 她常常想在死亡中寻求解脱。 she constantly invoked death for her relief and deliverance
        常常常常厂:    a05g
        非常恶劣:    very severe
        非常恶劣的:    very bad intense difficult etc
        非常恶劣地:    in a severe or strict way
        正常恶露:    healthy lochia
        无柴露, 正常恶露:    lochia healthy
        恶心, 呕吐:    be sick
        恶心(动词):    suck
        恶心的:    disgusting; gross; nauseous; qualmish; repulsive; vomitive/pukey
        恶心后:    post nausea
        恶心系:    mondo
        恶心药:    nauseant
        恶心症:    slimy doom
        恶心之:    repulsive
        干吐,恶心:    retch
        很恶心:    blood and gore; bloodandgore; that's disgusting
        使恶心:    drug
        我恶心:    i feel nauseous; i fell sick
        真恶心:    gross; how disgusting; so disgusting
        常常,多次:    many a time


  1. "常常祷告的"英文
  2. "常常的"英文
  3. "常常的,频繁的"英文
  4. "常常地"英文
  5. "常常对我来说是对的"英文
  6. "常常感动"英文
  7. "常常光顾一个地方"英文
  8. "常常喝酒"英文
  9. "常常喝酒,酗酒"英文
  10. "常常会伴随另一个字"英文


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