带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...方和盘: bearing circle捏和盘: kneading disc方和盘 方向圆: bearingcircle和盘接受: accept sth. in its entirety; accept the whole truth; accept the entire fact和盘托出: emerge in its totality; bring sth. out in its entirety; disclose the whole secret; empty the bag; hand over everything to someone; lay all the cards on the table; let out the whole story; let the truth be known; make a clean breast of it; reveal everything; say everything that is on one's mind; tell everything盘赢和盘亏: inventory gains and losses过滤仪环和盘: ring and disc for filtrator磁带和磁鼓: magnetic tape and magnetic drum进带和退带: fr; fwd & rew; fwd&rew外带和里带: into the bargain悬带和绷带: slin and swathe肩胛带和胸廓: shoulder girdle and thorax限时带和滑轮: timing belts and pulleys形坑带和滑轮: vee belt and pulley机器链和盘旋链: standard specification for machine and coil chain盘首纹和盘尾纹: spiral lead-in and spiral throw-out皮肤和盘膜切断机: skin and fascia stapler安全带和安全绳: safety belt and safety ropes穿带和甩带操作: threading and unthreading operation带和多楔带传动: v-and ribbed belt-dynamic test to determine pitch zone locationv盒式磁带和磁带盒: cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes进带和压带轮接通: fwd & pinch on; fwd&pinchon连带和独立责任: joint and several liability领带和围巾之类: neckwear