" he did well when he came on and was very close to netting until gianluca pagliuca made an incredible save , " added zac “他表现很好,若不是帕柳卡的扑救,他有机会进球。 ”扎克说。
Watching ruud tulipano nero gullit jump higher than pagliuca with his hands at marassi and giing the ictory to milan 在马拉西球场, “黑色郁金香”罗德?古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利!
Watching ruud tulipano nero gullit jump higher than pagliuca with his hands at marassi and giving the victory to milan 在马拉西球场, “黑色郁金香”罗德古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利!
[ color = # 000000 ] [ b ] 26 ) watching ruud tulipano nero gullit jump higher than pagliuca with his hands at marassi and giving the victory to milan 在马拉西球场, “黑色郁金香”罗德?古利特力压桑普多利亚门将帕柳卡,为米兰带来一场伟大的胜利!
Emre links well with pasquale on the left then crosses into the middle . the ball deflects off colucci , forcing pagliuca into a near - post save 在左翼埃姆雷与小帕巧妙配合后传中,球被科卢奇碰了一下改变方向,帕柳卡做出了一次近门柱的扑救。