I ll get admitted there , and i ll stir up mutiny ; and you , three - tailed bashaw as you are , sir , shall in a trice find yourself fettered amongst our hands : nor will i , for one , consent to cut your bonds till you have signed a charter , the most liberal that despot ever yet conferred 我会进入后宫,鼓动造反。纵然你是三尾帕夏,转眼之间,你会被我们的人戴上镣铐,除非你签署一个宪章,有史以来的专制君王所签发的最宽容的宪章,不然至少我是不会同意砸烂镣铐的。 ”
Given a guarantee equal to the sum sought , the support , by deed of gift and transfer vouchers during donor s lifetime or by bequest after donor s painless extinction , of eminent financiery blum pasha , rothschild , guggenheim , hirsch , montefiore , morgan , rockefeller possessing fortunes in 6 figures , amassed during a successful life , and joining capital with opportunity the thing required was done 靠那几位在成功的生涯中积累了六个位数的巨富的著名金融家布鲁姆帕夏280罗思柴尔德281古根海姆希尔施蒙特斐奥雷282摩根洛克菲勒的赞助。捐款者在世的话,就凭着赠与契约或转让证书,无疾而终后则凭着遗嘱来馈赠。