When the mail got successfully to dover , in the course of the forenoon , the head drawer at the royal george hotel opened the coach - door as his custom was . he did it with some flourish of ceremony , for a mail journey from london in winter was an achievement to congratulate an adventurous traveller upon 乔治王旅馆的帐房先生按照他的习惯打开了邮车车门,动作略带几分礼仪性的花哨,因为能在冬天从伦敦乘邮车到达这里是一项值得向具有冒险精神的旅客道贺的成就。
Consequently another drawer , and two porters , and several maids and the landlady , were all loitering by accident at various points of the road between the concord and the coffee - room , when a gentle - man of sixty , formally dressed in a brown suit of clothes , pretty well worn , but very well kept , with large square cuffs and large flaps to the pockets , passed along on his way to his breakfast 于是另一个帐房先生两个看门的几个女仆和老板娘都仿佛偶然似地停留在协和轩和咖啡室之间的通道上,迟迟不去。不久,一位六十岁左右的绅士便走出门来,去用早餐。此人身穿一套出入交际场所穿的褐色礼服,那礼服有大而方的袖口,巨大的荷包盖,颇有些旧,却洗烫得很考究。
帐房: accountant's office accounta ...先生: teacher mister; gentleman; s ...帐房: [旧时用语]1.(管理银钱物出入的处所) accountant's office2.(管钱物出入的人) accountant新帐房: xinzhangfang古时的帐房: countinghouse先生: 1.(先师) teacher2.(对男子的尊称) mister (mr.); gentleman; sir 总统先生 mr. president; 女士们, 先生们 ladies and gentlemen3.[方言] (医生) doctor4.[旧时用语] (以说书、算卦等为职业的人) 帐房先生 bookkeeper; 算命先生 fortune-teller khujli先生: mr. khujlim先生: the murderers are among usq先生: qzip先生: mr. zipz先生: z曹先生: michael tso常锋 先生: technial sales车先生: joe che陈先生: well mr.chen it's been very pleasant talking with you大先生: mr.big; to be with you》――mr. big德先生: democracy丁先生: clavius, christoph豆先生: mr. bean杜先生: brain to范先生: andy fan顾先生: jerry coo洪先生: hong ban jang; hong ban-jang; mr.hong胡先生: daniel wu黄先生: andy huang