Third goalkeeper behind jens lehmann ( fc arsenal ) and timo hildebrand ( vfb stuttgart ) is robert enke of hannover 96 在延斯?莱曼和蒂姆?希尔德布兰之后的三号门将是来自汉诺威96的罗伯特?恩克。
Hildebrand will play his last game for stuttgart in this saturday ' s german cup final at berlin ' s olympic stadium against nuremberg and spanish media agencies have already heralded hildebrand ' s imminent arrival 希尔德布兰在本周六的德国杯决赛上将迎来他在斯图加特的最后一战,在柏林奥林匹克球场,蒂莫将面对纽伦堡。届时将有西班牙媒体跟踪报道。
Stuttgart ' s timo hildebrand has been the favourites by so many to be the future german number one , but lehmann will not budge for him even if its against a demonstrably weaker side san marino this weekend 斯图加特的蒂姆?希尔德布兰德被很多人所推崇,认为应该成为德国第一门神,但是莱曼不会给他让位的,即使是这周末跟实力明显弱得多的对手圣马力诺比赛。