

  • diffuser
  • :    I cloth; textile
  • 风气:    general mood; atmosphere; co ...
  • 布风:    distribution of air
  • 风气:    general mood; atmosphere; common practice; fashion; ethos 社会风气 current tendencies in society; social mode; 风气很盛 become rife; 蔚成风气 become a common practice; 我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。 we should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.; 风气内动 endogenous wind; 风气疝 [兽医学] gas colic
  • 布风板:    air distribution plate; distributor


        :    I cloth; textile
        风气:    general mood; atmosphere; co ...
        布风:    distribution of air
        风气:    general mood; atmosphere; common practice; fashion; ethos 社会风气 current tendencies in society; social mode; 风气很盛 become rife; 蔚成风气 become a common practice; 我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。 we should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.; 风气内动 endogenous wind; 风气疝 [兽医学] gas colic
        布风板:    air distribution plate; distributor
        布风器:    diffuser; ventilation terminal
        布风扇:    punkah
        哈布风:    habbub; haboob; haboub; hubbob; hubbub
        布风装置:    distributor
        顶式布风器:    top ventilator; toventilator
        帆布风斗:    canvas ventilator
        瀑布风景区:    waterfall scenic spot
        风气肿:    infantile emphysema
        风气疝:    flatulent colic; gascolic
        鼓风气:    blast gas; blow-run gas
        坏风气:    corrupt morals
        气候,风气:    climate
        集散式布风器:    air jet diffuser
        拉布风扇的人。:    punka-wallah; punkah-wallah
        不良风气:    bad style; unhealthy ways and customs
        测风气球:    lost balloon; pibal; pilot ballon; pilot balloon; pilot baloon; pilotballon
        道德风气:    the moral climate
        地转风气流:    geostrophic current
        东风气候:    easterly weather
        焚风气候学:    foehn climatology


  1. "布封"英文
  2. "布封,幅宽"英文
  3. "布风"英文
  4. "布风板"英文
  5. "布风器"英文
  6. "布风扇"英文
  7. "布风装置"英文
  8. "布冯"英文
  9. "布佛雷"英文
  10. "布佛雷氏综合征"英文


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