

发音:   用"市场萎缩"造句
  • market shrink


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Faced with a shrinking job market , i turned to manual labor
  2. The lifeless economies of many countries in the region have caused their consumer markets to shrink
  3. Lots of authors are sure that policy insurance in agriculture is a solution to agricultural insurance depression
  4. Thought to be the next big wave , mems - based optical switching devices fizzled when the telecommunications market imploded
  5. Melody hobson , a financial news analyst for abc news says that could lead to further _ _ 4 _ _ in the housing market


        市场:    market house; marketplace ma ...
        萎缩:    wither; shrivel
        国际市场萎缩:    shrinking international market
        市场在萎缩:    the market is declining we recommend your immediate acceptance
        萎缩的国际市场:    shrinking international market
        萎缩的就业市场:    shrinking job market
        萎缩:    1.(干枯) wither; shrivel 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。 the summer heat withered up certain plants.2.(经济衰退) shrink; sag; contraction3.[医学] depauperate; analosis; atrophy; desiccation; stuntedness; atresia 肝萎缩 hepatatrophy; atrophy of the liver; 肌肉萎缩 amyotrophy; muscular atrophy
        市场:    1.(商品交易场所) market house; marketplace2.(商品行销区域) market; bazaar 股票市场 effect market; 国内市场 domestic markets; 国内外市场 domestic and foreign markets; 市场繁荣。 the market is brisk.; 市场饱和 market saturation; 市场波动 market fluctuations; 市场呆滞 market dull; 市场调查 market research; market investigations; 市场调研 market research [survey]; 市场订单 market order; 市场动向 market trend [movement]; 市场对策 market game; 市场反馈 market feed back; 市场分析 market analysis; 市场功能 function of market; 市场供求关系 relation of market supply and demand; 市场供需 market supply and demand; 市场供应 market supply; 市场管理 market management; 市场管制 market control; 市场行情 market quotations; 市场混乱 market confusion; 市场机制 market mechanism; 市场价格 market price; 市场价值 marketable value; 市场结构 market structure; 市场经济 market economy; market-oriented economy; 市场竞争 market competition; 市场开放政策 open market policy; 市场利率 market rate; 市场力量 market forces; 市场目标 market target; 市场潜力 market potential; 市场情报 marketing intelligence; 市场趋势 market trend; 市场商品供应 commodity supplies on the domestic market; 市场索赔 market claim; 市场审计 market audit; 市场体系 market system; 市场调节 market regulation; regulation through the market; be regulated by the market; regulation by market; 市场调节价 market-adjusted price; 市场调节作用 regulating [regulation] role of market; 市场推销总战略 the general market strategy; 市场网络 market network; 市场问题 the question of market; 市场系统 marketing system; 市场销售管理 marketing management; 市场效益 market efficiency; 市场信息 market information; 市场形式 market form; 市场需求 market demand; 市场需求分析 market demand analysis; 市场选择 selection of market; 市场学 marketing; 市场询问调查法 inquiry approach of marketing survey; 市场要求 market demands; 市场预报 market forecast; 市场预测 market forecasting; 市场支配力 market power; 市场综合情况 marketing mix; 市场作用 market forces
        sudeck萎缩:    sudeck's atrophy
        肠萎缩:    anenterotrophy
        齿萎缩:    odontatrophia
        肝萎缩:    hepatatrophia; hepatatrophy
        骨萎缩:    atrophia ossis; bone atrophy; osteanabrosis
        肌萎缩:    amyotrophia; amyotrophy; myatrophy; muscular atrophy; myophagism; myo-atrophy
        甲萎缩:    atrophia unguium; onychatrophia; onychatrophy
        口萎缩:    mouth atrophy
        眶萎缩:    atrophy of orbit; orbital atrophy
        面萎缩:    atrophia facialis; facial atrophy
        脑萎缩:    encephalanalosis; encephalatrophy
        脾萎缩:    atrophia spleen; splenatrophia; splenatrophy
        皮萎缩:    atrophia cutis; atrophic skin; atrophoderma
        舌萎缩:    atrophy of tongue; tongue atrophy
        肾萎缩:    atrophy kidney; atrophy of kidney; nephrarctia; renal atrophy
        使萎缩:    dwarf
        蹄萎缩:    contracted foot; contracted hoof


  1. "市场瓦解"英文
  2. "市场外的作用"英文
  3. "市场外供应, 无形商品的供应"英文
  4. "市场外交易市场"英文
  5. "市场网络"英文
  6. "市场委员会工作组"英文
  7. "市场位于帕蓬路"英文
  8. "市场位置"英文
  9. "市场文化"英文
  10. "市场稳定"英文


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