市区: city proper; downtown area; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...市区的攀牙路: phang nga rd穿过市区的河流: intervening river市区的房子很贵: the houses downtown are very expensive市区的山景公园: mountain view park穿越市区的公共汽车: a crosstown buss市区: city proper; downtown area; urban district区的: regional市区边缘及沿海地区的都会计划环境美化策略: metroplan landscape strategy for the urban fringe and coastal area市区;市区范围: urban area在市区,往市区: downtown ad城区, 市区: the confines of a town大市区: conurbation到市区: go downtown; went downtown都市区: urbanized area老市区: old urban district闹市区: downtown area沙市区: shashi(city)市区化: urbanization市区路: urban railway市区图: city map; city plat市区源: urban area source往市区: downtown ad新市区: new downtown; xinshi district, ürümqi