He averaged 17 . 2 points and 4 . 9 assists in february to put andrea bargnani , adam morrison and randy foye in hurry - up , catch - up mode 他在二月中场均得17 . 2分和4 . 9次助攻,这让安巴格纳尼,亚当莫里森和兰迪福耶处于紧张的追赶状态中。
Andrea bargnani is making some progress in toronto alongside the underrated jorge garbajosa , morrison and utah ' s paul millsap have had their moments and jordan farmar has unexpectedly claimed a rotation spot with the lakers , but it ' s not really a race yet 安德烈巴格纳尼在多伦多和被低估的约根加巴约撒一起进步,莫里森和犹他的保罗米尔撒普已经有他们的出场时间,乔丹法玛在湖人队有出乎意料的替补角色,但这都不是一场角逐。