巴: hope earnestly; wait anxious ...居多: be in the majority的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...白: white沙: sand巴巴多的白沙: white sand of barbados巴贝多的白沙: white sand of barbados巴具多的白沙: white sand of barbados巴巴多斯岛巴贝多的白沙: white sand of barbados巴多拉的白沙: white sand of barbados居多: be in the majority 我们球队里北方人居多。 most of the players in our team are northerners巴巴多斯岛的白沙: white sand of barbados巴巴斯多岛的白沙: white sand of barbados白沙: bach sa; baisha; paisha; pasir ris; silver sand; white sands巴居尔: bagur隐居多毛类: sedentary polychaete多的: frequent; many; more; much; multiplex白沙 (西): hebe haven白沙澳: pak sha o白沙村: pak sha tsuen白沙岛: baisha dao; hakusa island; pai-sha island; paisha tao; pehu island白沙峰: paeksa bong; paeksa-bong白沙浮: bugis白沙关: baishaguan白沙恨: hatred of white sand