巴: hope earnestly; wait anxious ...尔曹: you people; you and your kin ...伊: he or she鲍尔曹伊: barczay劳科尔曹伊: rakolczai洛托尔曹伊: latorcai; latorczai; latorczay绍科尔曹伊: szakolcai; szakolczai; szakolczay陶尔曹伊: tarczaly图尔曹伊: turczay尔曹: [书面语] (你们) you people; you and your kind 尔曹身与名俱灭, 不废江河万古流。 your bodies and names will perish, but the river will flow on for ever -- the names of mediocre writers will be forgottern, but those of the great masters will live鲍尔曹: barcza贝尔曹: berzau波尔曹: polcza居尔曹: guelzau; gulzau凯尔曹: kercza考尔曹: karcza科尔曹: kolcza毛尔曹: martsa绍尔曹: salca苏尔曹: sulzau塔尔曹: tarca陶尔曹: tarcza尤尔曹: jurcza保曹伊: pacczai; patczay波曹伊: poczai