已经: already发育健全: physically well developed的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...市场: market house; marketplace ma ...买卖已经发行证券的市场: trade previously owned shares of stock健全的: ablebodied; as clear as a bell; healthy; sound; sturdy; wholesome发育健壮: thrive不健全的: diseased; distempered; lacking; morbid; noxious; rotten; sorry; strabismic; u ound; undound; unfit; unsound健全的城市: healthy city健全的机构: a sound organization健全的情况: health condition健全的人生: the wholeness of life健全的身心: a sound body and mind健全的视力: a sane vision健全的心身: a sound mind健全的心态: a sound mind健全的心智: senses normal state of mind ability to think健全的智力: a ~ intellect精神健全的: composmentis身体健全的: sound in wind and limb; soundinwindandlimb神志健全的: well balanced神智健全的: sane思想健全的: right-thinking体格健全的: able bodied发育健康检查: developmental health examination