- differenzhypothese
- differenztheorie
- 差额: difference; balance; margin; ...
- 说: try to persuade
- 现金余额说: cash balance theory
- 差额: difference; balance; margin; imbalance 补足差额 make up the balance [difference]; 借方差额 debit balance; 贷方差额 credit balance; 成本和收益之间的差额 the difference between cost and proceeds; 支付帐面上的差额 pay the balance of one's account; 补偿差额 refund the balance; 财政收支差额 imbalance between revenue and expenditure; 进出口贸易差额依然很大。 the trade gap between imports and exports remained high.; 差额表 balance sheet; 差额递减法 declining balance method; 差额地租 differential rent; 差额调拨 balance of allocation; 差额收入调节税 regulatory tax on differential incomes; 差额税 variable levies; 差额帐 balance account; 差额振荡器 heterodyne; 差额制 multi-candidate system
- 参差额: diversity