- differential survival
- 差别: difference; disparity; dissi ...
- 生存: subsist; exist; live; surviv ...
- 别生气: no offence(no offense)
- 差别: difference; disparity; dissimilarity; distinction; unlikeness 年龄差别 disparity in age; 数[质]量上的差别 quantitative [qualitative] difference; 仅是口味差别 dissimilar in tastes only; 社会结构上的差别 unlikeness in social struction; 男女差别 disparity between men and women; 毫无差别。 there is no difference at all. 二者之间差别很大。 there is a world of difference between the two. 实际上并无差别。 there is practically no difference
- 生存: subsist; exist; live; survival; vita 适者的最终生存 an ultimate survival of the fittest; 人离开了空气不能生存。 man cannot live without air.; 生存保险 pure endowment; 生存本能 eros; 生存方式 way; 生存环境 living environment; 生存竞争 struggle for existance; 生存空间 lebensraum; living space; vivosphere; 生存力 viability; 生存率 survival rate; 生存期 life cycle; 生存意识 sense of survival; 生存战略 strategics for survival; 生存值 survival value; 生存资料 means of subsistence