

发音:   用"巨大足"造句
  • gr footpath
  • 巨大:    huge; tremendous; enormous; ...
  • :    foot; leg
  • 大足:    dazu; oashi; otarashi; otari
  • 大足鼠:    himalayan rat; rattus nitidus; ratus nitidus hodgson
  • 大足县:    dazu county


        巨大:    huge; tremendous; enormous; ...
        :    foot; leg
        大足:    dazu; oashi; otarashi; otari
        大足鼠:    himalayan rat; rattus nitidus; ratus nitidus hodgson
        大足县:    dazu county
        巨大:    huge; tremendous; enormous; gigantic; giant; immense 巨大的分歧 great [enormous; immense] difference; 巨大的工程 a giant project; 巨大的力量 tremendous force; 巨大的胜利 tremendous [great; signal] victory; 巨大的物质力量 tremendous material force; 巨大的知识宝库 an immense treasury of knowledge
        大足短头蛙:    desert rain frog; melkpadda
        大足饭店:    dazu hotel
        大足石刻:    the dazu rock carvings
        大足鼠耳蝠:    myotis ricketti; rickett's big-foot bat; rickett's big-footed bat
        加拿大足球盟:    canadian football league
        四川大足石窟:    dazu rock carvings
        重庆市大足县:    chongqingshidazuxian
        大,巨大:    mega- megalo-; megalo-
        巨大的:    a.tremendous; bouncing; bulky; colossal; cyclopean; decuman; elephantine; enormous; exceeding; formidable; gargantuan; giant; gigantean; gigantesque; gigantic; grand; great; heavier; heaviest; heavy; herculean; hugeous; immense; jumbo sized; jumbo-sized; large; leviathan; macro; magnitude; massive; massy; mega; mighty; monstrous; mountain; of the mammoth; phenomenal; planetary; prodigious; slapping; stupendous; tall; thumping; titanic; towering; vasty; whacking; whopping
        巨大地:    b.enormously; bulkilyenormouslyhugelymassivelyprodigiouslystupendouslytremendously; tremendously
        巨大儿:    giant baby; giant infant; large for date infant; large-for-dates infant; macrosomia
        巨大肝:    gigantic liver
        巨大化:    bulk up; gigantism; kyodaika
        巨大胎:    giant fetus; huge fetus
        巨大症:    giantism; gigantism; macrosomatia; macrosomia; somatomegaly
        阿特兰大足球会:    atalanta b.c
        大足石刻中舞姿:    ta chu shih k'chung wu tzu
        大足野人粉丝团:    the sasquatch dumpling gang
        加拿大足球俱乐部:    canadian football clubs


  1. "巨大蜘蛛"英文
  2. "巨大殖孔绦虫"英文
  3. "巨大中间神经元"英文
  4. "巨大皱襞"英文
  5. "巨大锥体细胞"英文
  6. "巨大左心房"英文
  7. "巨大荨麻疹"英文
  8. "巨大荨麻疹, 血管神经性水肿"英文
  9. "巨大戟醇二苯甲酸酯"英文
  10. "巨大戟二萜醇"英文


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