61 - 1 junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村61 - 1号
83 - 1 , junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村83 - 1号
61 - 11 junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村61 - 11号
For " chalk country banquets , " contact tachung canteen , 573 - 2373 左镇乡农会:提供单车旅游田园巡礼等导览06 5731716 。
To get there by car from tainan city , take provincial highway 20 . if arriving by freeway national highway 3 or 8 , exit at the hsinhua interchange onto prov 前往左镇,从台南市可沿玉南公路经新化到左镇乡亦可由新化交流道下接玉南公路。
左: the left side; the left镇: garrison post乡: country; countryside; villag ...左整环: left order左枕叶: left occipital lobe左整列: left justify左枕前位: left occipitoanterior; left occiput anterior(loa)左整体维数: left global dimension左枕前胎位: loa左正合反变函子: left exact contravariant functor左枕前: loa左正合共变函子: left exact covariant functor左枕后位: left occipitoposterior