length of service; standing; seniority; length of the time employed; lengths of service as workers; working age; working years 短语和例子 一个有20年工龄的工人 a worker of twenty years' standing; 工龄津贴 longevity pay
In the west , seniority is just one factor in deciding promotions 在西方,工龄只是评定员工是否升职的一个因素。
In the past , most employees expected to retire from a job they held for most of their working life 在过去,大多数工人期待从他工龄最多的工作退休。
Males reaching the age of 60 and females 50 with a seniority of ten years of continuous service (一)男年满六十周岁,女年满五十周岁,连续工龄满十年的。
Salaries can also be tied to something else - - tenure . more about that next week 薪水也可与与别的一些东西也是紧密相连的,比如工龄。有关更多的我们下星期再讨论。
Seniority discount as one of these , there are different views of the law issues involved in the late spouse seniority discount 而对已故配偶的工龄折扣所涉法律问题,看法不一。
年资;工龄: seniority资历,工龄: seniority本单位工龄: u_length工龄补助: subsidy on service length工龄工资: seniority pay; wages based on seniority工龄工资制: wage by seniority system/wage-by-age system工龄津贴: longevity pay连续工龄: w_length一般工龄: general length of service年功赁金 工龄工资: wages based on seniority一个有20年工龄的工人: a worker of twenty years' standing工料数: quantities of labor and material工料清单: bill of quantities; bills of quantities工料机价格调查表: rar工料合同: t&m工令: engineering order (eo); work order工料合算价: composite cost of labour and material
工龄的法语:名 ancienneté;longueur du service ancienneté工龄的日语:労働者の勤続年数. 一个有三十年工龄的老工人/30年の勤続年数をもつベテラン労働者.工龄的韩语:[명사] (1)근무 연한. 근속 연한. 재직 연수. =[工作年资] [工作年限] (2)취업 연령. 最低工龄; 취업 허가 최저 연령工龄的俄语:pinyin:gōnglíng рабочий стаж; стаж работы по специальности工龄的阿拉伯语:نساء; 工龄的印尼文:panjang umur; umur panjang; 工龄什么意思:gōnglíng 工人或职员的工作年数。