

  • pay-policy line


        工资:    wages; pay
        政策:    policy
        线:    thread; string; wire
        低工资政策:    cheap labor policy
        工资政策:    wage policy
        通用工资政策:    industry wide wage policy
        雇主的工资政策:    wage policies of employers
        投资政策:    investment policy
        物资政策:    material policy
        重筹资政策:    refinanzierungspolitik; refinazierung olitik
        海外投资政策:    br /49.overseas investment policies
        西方投资政策:    western investment policy
        中国的投资政策:    41.policies 0n investing in china; 42.policies 0n investing in china
        投资政策和能力建设处:    investment policies and capacity-building branch
        工资价格政策:    wage price policy
        美国太平洋贸易和投资政策委员会:    commission on united states-pacific trade and investment policy
        工资:    salary; wages; remuneration; pay 附加工资 supplementary wages; 货币工资 money wages; 基本工资 basic wages; 计件工资 piece rate wage; 计时工资 payment by the hour; time wage; 名义工资 nominal wage; 实际工资 real wage; 给 ... 补发工资 give back the pay due to; 工资与经济效益挂钩 link wages with economic results; 效益工资 efficiency-relating wages; 工资标准 pay scale; wage rates; wage standards; wage scale; 工资表 payroll; pay sheet; 工资差额 wage differences; wage differential; 工资袋 pay envelope; 工资单 a pay list; payroll; 工资等级 wage scale; 工资地区类别 wage zones; regional wage differentials; 工资额 amount of wage; 工资附加费 wage and related expenses; 工资改革 reform of the wage system; 工资汇总表 wages summary; 工资级别[类别] wage scales; wage category; pay scale; 工资级差 differential; 工资结构 wage structure; 工资名册 payroll; 工资水平 wage level; 工资通知单 payroll slip; 工资增长速度 rate of wage increase; 工资支付形式 forms of the payment of wages; 工资指数 index number of wage; 工资制(度) wage system; 工资总额 gross payroll; total wage bill; total of wages; 工资最高额 wage ceiling
        吴策线虫:    wuchereria
        吴策线虫病:    wuchereriasis
        吴策线虫属:    wuchereria
        国务资政:    senior minister
        内阁资政:    minister mentor
        总统府资政:    senior advisor
        享受国家规定的工资倾斜政策:    enjoy preferential treatment in remuneration as stipulated by the government
        班氏吴策线虫:    wechereria bancrofti; wuchereria bancrofti


  1. "工资照付的假期"英文
  2. "工资照付的假期, 有薪假期"英文
  3. "工资正常增长机制"英文
  4. "工资正常支付"英文
  5. "工资政策"英文
  6. "工资支出"英文
  7. "工资支付"英文
  8. "工资支付额"英文
  9. "工资支付计划"英文
  10. "工资支付期, 工资结算期"英文


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