



        工资:    wages; pay
        商品:    commodity; goods; merchandis ...
        外商投资商品流通企业:    commercial enterprises with foreign investment
        独资商:    s01eproprietorsp
        投资商:    venture capital providers
        包收商,融资商:    factor
        银行投资商:    investment banker
        工资:    salary; wages; remuneration; pay 附加工资 supplementary wages; 货币工资 money wages; 基本工资 basic wages; 计件工资 piece rate wage; 计时工资 payment by the hour; time wage; 名义工资 nominal wage; 实际工资 real wage; 给 ... 补发工资 give back the pay due to; 工资与经济效益挂钩 link wages with economic results; 效益工资 efficiency-relating wages; 工资标准 pay scale; wage rates; wage standards; wage scale; 工资表 payroll; pay sheet; 工资差额 wage differences; wage differential; 工资袋 pay envelope; 工资单 a pay list; payroll; 工资等级 wage scale; 工资地区类别 wage zones; regional wage differentials; 工资额 amount of wage; 工资附加费 wage and related expenses; 工资改革 reform of the wage system; 工资汇总表 wages summary; 工资级别[类别] wage scales; wage category; pay scale; 工资级差 differential; 工资结构 wage structure; 工资名册 payroll; 工资水平 wage level; 工资通知单 payroll slip; 工资增长速度 rate of wage increase; 工资支付形式 forms of the payment of wages; 工资指数 index number of wage; 工资制(度) wage system; 工资总额 gross payroll; total wage bill; total of wages; 工资最高额 wage ceiling
        策划投资商号:    originating house
        投资商业银行:    investitions und handels bank ag; investitions-und handels-bank ag
        商品:    commodity; goods; merchandise; wares 春季出口商品交易会 the spring export commodities fair; 滞销商品 slow-selling goods; 对路商品 marketable commodities; 冷背商品 unsalable goods; 内销商品 commodities for the home market; 花哨的小商品 fancy goods; 免税商品表 a free list; 即使商品质量好, 也不能漫天要价。 even quality goods must have a price ceiling. 商品价格稳定, 市场货源充足。 commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market. 那个商店里的商品价格高。 the wares in that store are dear.; 商品包装 commodity packaging; 商品包装保护标志 protective mark; 商品本质 inherent nature of commodities; 商品比价 parity rate of commodity; 商品标准化 commodity standardization; 商品表 commodity list; 商品材 merchantable timber; 商品采购 procurement of commodities; 商品采购成本 merchandise procurement cost; 商品差额 merchandise balance; 商品差价 price difference of commodity; product price differential; 商品产地证明书 certificate of origin; 商品陈列 commodity display; 商品陈列馆 commerce museum; bazaar; 商品陈列室 storeroom; 商品陈列台 shopboard; 商品成本 merchandise cost; 商品储备 commodity supply; 商品搭配 a tie-in sale; put popular articles with poor-selling articles up for sale; 商品等价交换 exchange of commodities of equal value; 商品二重性 dual character of commodity ;商品法 law of the staple; 商品范围 commodity coverage; 商品房产 commercial building property; 商品分等论价 grade commodities and fix prices accordingly; fix prices according to the different grades of commodities; 商品分红 commodity dividend; 商品分级管理 method of differentiated management of commodities; differentiated control of commodities; 商品分类运价 commodity classification rate; 商品分析 commercial analysis; 商品钢材 merchant shapes; 商品供求关系 relation of commodity supply and demand; 商品供应量 commodity supply volume; 商品供应总额 total supply of commodities; 商品购买力 commodity purchasing power; 商品估价 merchandise valuation; 商品过剩 glut of goods; 商品化 commercialize; commercialization; 商品货币 commodity money; 商品货币关系 commodity-money relationship; 商品级 commercial grade; 商品价格 commodity price; 商品价值 commodity value; 商品价值关系 value-relation of commodities; 商品检验 commodity inspection; 商品检验机构 commodity inspection agency; 商品检验局证明书 commodity inspection bureau certificate; 商品检验证 inspection and testing certificate; 商品简介标签 descriptive labeling; 商品交换 commodity exchange; exchange of commodities; 商品交换比例 commodity terms of trade; 商品交易 commodity transaction; 商品交易所 commodity exchange; 商品交易中心 commodities exchange centre; 商品结构 commodity composition; 商品进口税 duties on imported goods; 商品经济 commodity [market; market-oriented] economy; 商品可供量 commodity availability; total commodities for supply; commodity supply; 商品零售总额 total retail sales of consumer goods; 商品流动分析 commodity flow analysis; 商品流通 commodity circulation; circulation of commodities; commodity turnover; 商品流通费用 cost in commodity circulation; 商品流通渠道 commodity circulation channel; 商品流通税 commodity circulation tax; 商品流通体系 commodity circulation system; 商品流通总额 total value of commodities in circulation; 商品流向 flow of commodity; 商品流转 commodity circulation; 商品率 commodity rate; commodization rate; 商品贸易平衡 merchandise trade balance; 商品贸易条件 commodity terms of trade; 商品目录 catalogue; catalogue of articles for sale; 商品目录价格 catalogue price; 商品平均成本 average commodity cost; 商品期货 commodity futures; 商品清算制 goods clearing system; 商品生产 commodity production; production for merchandise; 商品生产者 commodity producers; 商品收到确认 confirmation of receipt of merchandise; 商品输出 commodity export; export of commodities; 商品说明书 descriptive literature; 商品税 commodity tax; 商品所有制 commodity ownership; 商品损耗 commodity wastage; 商品调剂 adjustment of commodity; 商品退换 rejection of commodity; 商品退回卖方 goods returned to vendor; 商品稳定协定 commodity stabilization agreement; 商品吸引力 holding power; 商品销售市场 outlet for goods; 商品协定 commodity agreement; 商品锌 spelter; 商品信贷 commodity credit; 商品信息 merchandise news; 商品信用公司 commodity credit corporation; 商品鱼 marketable fish; commercial fish; 商品渔业 commerical fishery; 商品援助 commodity aid; 商品展销会 commodity sales exhibition; 商品周转 merchandise turnover; 商品住宅 commercial residential buildings; 商品综合方案 integrated commodity program; 商品总量 total volume of commodities; 商品作物 cash crop
        国有独资商业银行:    wholly state-funded commercial bank; wholly state-owned commercial banks
        中国印刷物资商情:    china printing materials market
        工资袋, 工资:    pay packet
        对日投资商务支援中心:    ibsc
        全球风险投资商联盟:    gvn
        世界十大风险投资商:    venture capital firms
        投资商和国家间诉讼制:    isd
        外国公共机构投资商组织:    fii; foreign institutional investors
        长工资:    an increase in wages
        低工资:    low pay; low wage
        发工资:    payoff
        腐工资:    floating wages; wage in sliding scale
        高工资:    higher income
        工资,进行:    wage


  1. "工资清单核对"英文
  2. "工资曲线"英文
  3. "工资全面增涨"英文
  4. "工资日"英文
  5. "工资日记账"英文
  6. "工资上升"英文
  7. "工资上限"英文
  8. "工资伸缩性"英文
  9. "工资审查"英文
  10. "工资实物支付禁止法"英文


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