工棚: builders' temporary shed; wo ...吃饭: eat; have a meal处: place【航海】住舱甲板〔船员吃饭处〕。: mess deck工棚: builders' temporary shed; work shed吃饭: 1.(进餐) eat; have [eat、take] a meal 请客吃饭 invite sb. to dinner; 我想吃饭。 i feel like a meal.2.(指生活或生存) keep alive; make a living 靠工资吃饭 live on one's wages; 不要靠老资格吃饭! don't live on your seniority! 我看我们就是要靠精耕细作吃饭。 in my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves施工棚: construction shed小屋,工棚: tool shed伐木工棚: logging shed固定工棚: fixed barrack简易工棚: temporary shed可移工棚: portable shed码头工棚: pier shed木质工棚: wooden barrack移动式工棚: movable barrack暂装机组;工棚: boar's nest帐蓬工棚: tent barrack不吃饭: to lay down one's knife and fork吃饭人: diner吃饭时: at the table用餐,吃饭: dinner在吃饭: be at (the) table可移动的工棚: portable barrack临时工棚施工: building of barracks生产伐木工棚: logging shed