工作: work; operation; working; op ...中间: among; between休息: have a rest; take a rest; re ...抽烟: smoke的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...时间: time; hour有时间休息: get/ have some time off包括中间休息: the performance runs hours minutes including an interval在中间休息时: at the interval工间休息时间: rest period; smoko没有时间休息: have no time for rest; rest幕间休息时间: interval上午的中间休息: the midmorning breakk短时间休息放松式: restpose一支烟的时间: a cigarette without you抽烟的: nicotian不时地中间休息也不可少: you also need an occassional break中间休息时演出的节目: piece performed during this外国人在工作中喝咖啡休息时间: coffee break嘉 - 一支烟的时间: bma promotional copy ktv不抽烟的: non-smoking不抽烟的人: nonsmoker抽烟的危害: the dangers of something烟草的;抽烟的: nicotian在中间的时间: betweentimes