With the deepening of reform and opening up and economic and cultural development , the working class in china has expanded steadily and its quality improved 随着改革开放的深入和经济文化的发展,我国工人阶级队伍不断壮大,素质不断提高。
The first part mainly analyses the affect of expand of the working class and the improvement of the culture on the on the construction of the cpc 本文分五个部分对新时期工人阶级的变化加以阐述。第一部分主要分析了工人阶级队伍的壮大以及科学文化知识水平的提高对党建的影响。
Build unitary labor organization , be helpful for maintaining the solidarity of working - class team , realize oneself historical mission , also be helpful for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of worker masses 建立统一的工会组织,有利于维护工人阶级队伍的团结,实现自己的历史使命,也有利于维护职工群众的合法权益。
The working class , with the intellectuals as part of it , and the farmers are always the basic forces for promoting the development of the advanced productive forces and all - round social progress in our country 随着改革开放的深入和经济文化的发展,我国工人阶级队伍不断壮大,素质不断提高。包括知识分子在内的工人阶级,广大农民,始终是推动我国先进生产力发展和社会全面进步的根本力量。
工人阶级: the working class队伍: troops; army ranks; continge ...阶级队伍: class ranks工人阶级报: a classe operaria; clase obrera; classe operaria a; classe operaria, a工人阶级的: working-class工人阶级之声: voix de la classe ouvriere使工人阶级化: workingout保护工人阶级利益: protect the interests of the working class工人阶级的先锋队: the vanguard of the working class工人阶级生活剧: type of british drama that attempts to show realistic workingclass family lifee站在工人阶级一边: stand by the working class蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的: blue collar工人阶级和当代世界: rabochii klass i sorremennyi mir; working class and contemporary world the; working class and contemporary world, the工人阶级列宁主义社会党: leninism socialist party of working class工人阶级最大公无私: it is the working class that is most selfless来自被压制的工人阶级: the exploited商人阶级: merchant-trader俗信徒,俗人阶级;外行: laity队伍: 1.(军队) troops; army2.(有组织的群众行列) ranks; contingent 游行队伍 contingents of marchers; procession; parade; 解散队伍 break (the) ranks; 使队伍浚拢 close (the) ranks; 参加革命队伍 join the revolutionary rnaks甲级队: first division team乙级队: second division阶级: (social) class; step 剥削阶级 exploiting class; 被剥削阶级 exploited class; 官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie; 垄断资产阶级 monopoly bourgeoisie; 买办资产阶级 comprador(e) bourgeoisie; 民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie; 无产阶级 proletariat; 小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie; 有产阶级 propertied class; 资产阶级 bourgeoisie; 自为阶级 class in itself; 自在阶级 class for itself; 阶级报复 class-revenge; 阶级本能 class instinct; 阶级本性 class character; 阶级本质 class nature; 阶级差别 class difference; 阶级成分 class status; 阶级冲突 class conflict; 阶级出身 class origin; 阶级斗争 class struggle; 阶级斗争熄灭论 theory of dying out class struggle; 阶级对抗 class antagonism; 阶级队伍 class ranks; 阶级分化 class polarization; 阶级分析 class analysis; 阶级感情 class feeling; 阶级根源 class origin; 阶级基础 class basis; 阶级较量 trials of class strength; 阶级觉悟 class consciousness; 阶级烙印 brand of a class; 阶级立场 class attitude; class stand [standpoint; position]; 阶级力量的对比 balance of class forces; 阶级利益 class interests; 阶级路线 class line; 阶级矛盾 class contradictions; 阶级性 class character; class nature; 阶级友爱 class love; class solidarity; 阶级阵线 class alignment超级队员: super trouper成为甲级队: to become an a-grade team工人教育会议: conference de l'education ouvriere