Topic : erp solutions for manufacturing industry 主题:工业城镇对生产信息软件的需求及机遇
A town of east - central massachusetts northeast of worcester . it is an industrial community . population , 17 , 233 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17 , 233
On that same occasion i learned , for the first time , from miss abbot s communications to bessie , that my father had been a poor clergyman ; that my mother had married him against the wishes of her friends , who considered the match beneath her ; that my grandfather reed was so irritated at her disobedience , he cut her off without a shilling ; that after my mother and father had been married a year , the latter caught the typhus fever while visiting among the poor of a large manufacturing town where his curacy was situated , and where that disease was then prevalent : that my mother took the infection from him , and both died within a month of each other 就是这一回,我从艾博特与贝茜的文谈中第一次获悉,我父亲生前是个牧师,我母亲违背了朋友们的意愿嫁给了他,他们认为这桩婚事有失她的身份。我的外祖父里德,因为我母亲不听话而勃然大怒,一气之下同她断绝了关系,没留给她一个子儿。我父母亲结婚才一年,父亲染上了斑疹伤寒,因为他奔走于副牧师供职地区一个大工业城镇的穷人中间,而当时该地流行着斑疹伤寒。
工业: industry城镇: town; cities and towns矿业城镇: mining town农业城镇: agricultural town工业城: cite industrielle; mill town工业城市: industrial cities; industrial city; industrial towns; manufacturing city工业城市化: industrial urbanization前工业城市: preindustrial city振鹏工业城: zhenpeng industrial park新兴工业城市: new industrial city; newly developed industrial city; newly developing industrial city斋月10日工业城: 10th of ramadan industrial city塔杰蒙特工业城: al tajamouat industrial city大工业城市的煤烟与尘垢: the soot and grime of a big manufacturing town挽蒲工业城有限公司: banpu public co. ltd英格兰东部北林肯郡有花园工业城: industrial garden town工业化和城镇化水平: levels of industrialization and urbanization商业城: bfc; business and financial centre我准备去奥克兰它是新西兰最大的工业城市: i am going to auckland. it is the largest industrial city in new zealand矿业城市: mining city罗湖商业城: luohu commercial city摩尔商业城: mall农业城市: agricultural district商业城市: commercial city; commercial town白沙浮商业城: parco bugis junction城市(城镇): city