工业: industry地点: place; site; locale营业地点: business location; location of business; place of business营业地点;营业处: place of business主要营业地点: principal place of business工业地产: industrial estate工业地带: industrial area; industrial belt; industrial zone工业地理学: industrial geography工业地区: industrial district工业地区化: localization of industry工业地图: industrial map滨海工业地带: littoral industrial zone工业地域类型: areal type of industry开城工业地区: kaesong沿海工业地带: littoral industrial zone; seashore industrial reservations沿海工业地区: littoral industrial area工业部门转业地: industrial restructuring area英格兰的工业地区: the industrial areas of england工业所在地点: location of industry恒生工业地产有限公司: heng sang industry & realty ltd; heng sang industry & realty ltd瀑布湾停车场小贩认可营业地点: waterfall bay car park hawker permitted place最后一个为人所知的营业地点: last-known place of business煤矿井下采掘作业地点气象条件卫生标准: hygienic standard for environmental meteorology in underground workplace of coal mine地点: place; site; locale 故事发生的地点 the locale of a story; 开会地点 place for a meeting; venue; 适合办商业网点的地点 suitable location for a shop; 这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。 this corner would make a good location for a gas station.; 地点税 local tax; 地点套汇 arbitrage in space 林业地: woodland