工业: industry净产值: net output value农业净产值: net value of agricultural output国民农业净产值: netnational farm product净产出, 净产值: net output净产出;净产值;净产量: net output国内净产值: net domestic product社会净产值: net social output value; social net output value边际社会净产值: marginal social net product国民经济净产值: net value of national economic output工业部产值: total industrial output value工业产值: industrial output value; industrial outpuut; value of industrial output工业总产值: gross industrial output value; gross value of industrial output; the total value of industrial output; total industrial output value; total value of industry output; value of gross output; value of total output of industry利润对净产值的百分比: profit percentage of net output工业商品产值: industrial commodity output value以现行货币表示的国民净产值: current money nnp工业总产值构成: composition of gross industrial output累计工业总产值: total cumulative output value of industry产值: value of output;output value净产出: net output净产量: net production净产品: net products净产物: net product商业净毛量: commercial yield商业净票: fine trade paper