巡回: go the rounds; tour; make a ...审判: bring to trial; try制度: system; institution巡回审判: assizes; circuit进行巡回审判: go on circuit ie make this journey巡回审判地区: area covered by such a journey巡回审判法官: justice of assize巡回审判法庭: courts of assize巡回审判委任: commission of assize公开审判制度: open trial system; opentrialsystem巡回审判的法官: circuit judge对抗式(或抗辩)审判制度: adversary trial system法官巡回问案, 巡回问案, 巡回审判: home circuit巡回审判的法官, 巡回法官, 巡回区的法官: circuit judge在审判区管辖范围内作巡回审判: rid circuit在审判区所辖各城镇作巡回审判: ride circuit巡回审计: travelling audit巡回审计师: traveling auditor巡回审计员: travelling auditor巡回审理: circuit hearing; circuit trial巡回审理法庭: court of oyer and terminer巡回制度: eyre system巡回检查制度: safety inspection大巡回法庭审判: trial by grand assize设备巡回检查制度: tours system to inspect plant