巡: patrol; make one's rounds五: five三: three五三: gozo巡五二: starbc巡五一: starba七五三: nagomi; shichigosan; shinoshime五三九: gosaku五三郎: gosaburo八五三二: the four special characteristics of the五三八二: five three eight two a summary of the tenets of the五三宪法: konstytucja 3 maja五三银行: fifth third bank五三年法国哥皮诺: a de gobineau一五三九年 coverdale 译的《圣经》。: great bible巡锡: to walk about with a metal staff i. e. to teach巡威岛: sunwi do; sunwi-do巡线: patrol; pipeline walking巡天照相机: patrol camera巡线标志: patrol marker巡天观测: sky patrol; sky survey巡线道路: roadway巡天: tour the heavens