From yokohama station , take jr negishi line and exit ishikawa - cho 由横滨站乘坐jr铁路根岸线,在石川町下车。
From yokohama , take jr keihin tohoku linenegishi line , or yokohama municipal subway line and exit at ishikawa - cho station 由横滨乘坐jr铁路京滨东北线和根岸线或横滨市营地铁,在石川町站下车,步行约6分钟。
Adress : suda cho 1 - 25 chiyoda - ku , tokyo public transport : by jr akihabara station , subway awajicho station or ogawamachi station photo only railways item 交通: jr秋叶原?下车徒? 5分,地下?淡路町?小川町?下车徒? 5分
Take the tokyo metro chiyoda line shin ochanomizu station , the tokyo metro chiyoda line shin ochanomizu station or toei shinjuku line ogawa - cho line and walk to yasukuni street 由东京地铁千代田线新茶之水站、东京地铁丸之内线淡路町站、都营新宿线小川町站往靖国大街方向。
Pending , which is effective as an animal invasion prevention system . we used farm defense on a trial basis for two years in four locations in nara prefecture in nara city , haibara town yamazoe village and muroo village and also in three locations in kozakawa town in wakayama prefecture 使用农场防御器守护农田的2年间,在奈良县内的4个市町村奈良市,榛原町,山添村,室生村和歌山县古座川町的3个地方进行了使用,结果都没有遭受灾害。